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Метка: electronic
27. Albert K.J., Walt D.R., Gill D.S., Pearce T.C. Optical multibead arrays for simple and complex odor discrimination // Anal. Chem.-2001-Vol.73-P.2501-2508 28. Nagle H.T., Schiffman S., Guitierrez-Osuna R. The how and why of electronic noses // IEEE Spectrum –1998-P.22-23 Мы вам предлагаем компьютерную систему автоматизации «Эксперт», которая не уступает кипер ни в чем. С ней […]
1. Snopok B., Kruglenko I. (2005), Nonexponential relaxations in sensor arrays: forecasting strategy for electronic nose performance — Sensors and Actuators B: Сhemical V. 106, p.101- 113 2. Filippov, A.P., Strizhak, P.E., Serebry, T.G., Tripolsky, A.I., Snopok, B.A., Khavrus, V.O., Ivashchenko, T.S. (2005): New Materials of Coatings for Discrimination of Hydrocarbons by Multisensor System Combined […]
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